Wednesday 6 September 2017

Scientists Found A Black Hole Which Is 100,000 Times Bigger Than The Sun .

Scientists Found 100, 000 Times Bigger Black Hole Than The Sun Near The Center Of Milky Way. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Newly discovered black hole is one lakh times bigger than the sun. It is surrounded by the cloud of poisonous gas. If this discovery is verified then this black hole is the second largest black hole found in the Milky Way. Sagittarius -A is the biggest black hole which is found in the center of planetarium.

Growing supermassive black hole in distant galaxy. 
The recent research has shown  supermassive black hole are essential to the creation of galaxies, stars and even life itself.

Astronomers of Keio University Of Tokyo Of Japan studied a cloud of gases through ALMA telescope in Chile .This cloud is 200 light years away from the  center of the Milky Way and spread in the range of 150 billion kilometers.

Professor Tomoharu Oka of Keio university,who led the research from the ALMA observatory in northem Chile, said the void's relatively small size means it is the first to be identified as an intermediate black hole(IMBH).

The IMBH is the second largest black hole discovered in the Milky Way next to Sagittarius A*, which is 400 million times the size  of our Sun.

According to theories, the Milky Way should be home to about 100 million smaller black holes, but only 60 have been found.

In simple terms, intermediate black holes are the missing link in black hole evolution and will help scientists to gain a better understanding on their formation.

They already understand how stellar mass black holes are formed the result of a supernova death.

Prof Oka believes black holes greater than a million solar masses are at the center of all galaxies and are essential to their growth.

The origins of supermassive black hole, however, remain a mystery.

Prof Oka said: -"One possible scenario is IMBHs which are formed by runaway coalescence of stars in young compact star clusters merge at the center of a galaxy to form a supermassive black hole. "

They also understand the final outcome in the form of supermassive black holes, but their has been confusion around the stages in between the black holes inception and its final outcome, with nowhere in the middle yet to be discovered.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Alien Mummy Found In A Pyramid.

The Mystery Of The 'Mummified Aliens Of Nazca'. 

A group of self proclaimed paranormal researchers claim they have found proof of alien near the city of Nazca in Peru.

The Peruvian branch of the World Congress of Mummy Studies even called for a criminal probe amid claims genuine mummified human remains had been used to construct the aliens.

A perfectly preserved body of mummified alien. 
A perfectly preserved body, carefully mummified alien, found buried in an ancient pyramid. The mysterious creature was between 150 and 160 centimeters, and was by archaeologist near Lahun when investigating small pyramid near the Dynasty doceaba of Senusret ll.

Yet continues to release its slick documentaries which support that a genuine scientific inquiry is underway.

In a short documentary on the bizarre find, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at Saint Petersburg University, claims these features are not a deformity... It is "another creature, another humanoid".

However, this fact was not discovered immediately. "Mummy of alleged alien, dating back more than 2,000 years, said a source of Egyptian department of Antiquities, which submitted the details and photos of the mummy, but on condition of anonymity. "

The team say they have found a mysterious three fingered 'mummified humanoid' with an elongated skull.

Mysterious three fingered alien mummy. 
It is around 5 foot 6 inches tall and has similar proportions to humans.

But not everyone is convinced of the finding, and some suggest it is plaster cast.

The head appears to be made of bone with skin over the top. It has two eyes, but eyes it is nothing like a human, it is more amphibian and reptilian.

The truth is that  every expert who has seen the mummy concluded that it is not from earthly origin, " said the source. Acknowledging that this is an alien who somehow ended as advisor to the Egyptian king. "But all the government dissociate themselves from that conclusion that according to those who believe that the Egyptians had help from aliens in the creation of their civilizations. " The Egyptians refuse to believe that their heritage comes from space ".

Friday 1 September 2017

BREAKING:-Signals Detected From Distant Dwarf Galaxy

Signals Detected From Distant Dwarf Galaxy Stun Observers. 

Scientists have detected 15 strange radio bursts coming from distant dwarf galaxy.

15 signals detected from a distant dwarf galaxy. 
Rare, short bursts of 'alien' cosmic radio waves that puzzled astronomers since their detection nearly 10 years ago may have originated from a dwarf galaxy more than three billion light years from Earth, scientists including one of the Indian origin have found.

"One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like this, " Hawking says in the documentary, referring to potentially habitable alien world known as  Gliese 832c.

Some predict they are natural, such as exploding stars, while other scientists believe that they are extraterrestrial signals which were initially sent Earth's away.

The messages were picked up by Breakthrough Listen, a major project launched by Stephan Hawking and internet investor Yuri Milner in 2015, as part of their programme to find signs of intelligent life in the universe.

A major project launched by Stephan Hawking. 
"As well as confirming that the source is in a newly active state, the high resolution of the data obtained by the Listen instrument will allow measurement of the properties of these mysterious burst at a higher precision than ever possible before, "Said Breakthrough Listen postdoctoral researcher Vishal Gajjar.

Using the Green Bank Telescope in west Virginia, The Listen Science Team detected the bursts in the early hours of Saturday 26 August.

The origin of a fast radio burst in this type of dwarf galaxy suggests a connection to other genetic events that occur in similar dwarf galaxies, said Casey Law, an astronomer university of California Berkeley in the U.S.

The latest signals, dubbed FRB 121102, however, have been detected 15 times, which essentially rules out the possibility of a supernova or other natural occurrences.

Extremely bright exploding stars, called super luminous supernovae and long gamma ray bursts also occur in this type of galaxy, he said.

That means that those pulses left their galaxy when our entire solar system was just two billion years old long before multi called organisms appeared on Earth.

First radio bursts, which flash for just a few milliseconds, created a stir among astronomers because they seemed to be coming from outside our galaxy, which means they would have to be very powerful to be seem from Earth, and because none of those first observed were ever seen again.

Scientists had initially been worried that the bursts might not be coming from space, and were actually a misunderstood signals from Earth like when astronomers found that they had accidentally detected their own microwave.

But the recent work showed that the messages are coming from outside the Earth's atmosphere.

Thursday 31 August 2017

A Strange Theory Finally Solve The Mystery Of An "Alien Megastructure"!

Aliens Filming Earth From Space Discovered Antarctica Centuries Before humans!

The latest in a series of bizarre claims by conspiracy theorists says there is a giant staircase in Antarctica.

An image has surface which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctica, and believers in extraterrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth.

A map made in the 15th century and unearthed in 1929 appears to show the world in shocking detail for its time.

15th Century Map Credit To Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. 

The map was credit to Turkish admiral Piri Reis and is aptly dubbed the Piri Reis map.

But due to the intricacies of the map from such a primitive age, one expert believes it could be proof of aliens.

He claims the making of the map could have involved extraterrestrial due to its inexplicable accuracy.

Perhaps,  one of the biggest oddities found on this map is the fact that there is the top of it was the frozen continent of Antarctica.

A crude depiction of Antarctica is included on the map despite not officially being discovered until 1773 by captain James Cook.

As for the creator of the map, it's possible that the ancient alien visitors did create it since at that time making just wasn't capable of producing something so detailed.

"It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world.

Erich von Daniken, a Swiss author said that the accurate map is due to aerial images being taken from space.

He said: -A spaceship hovers high above Cairo and points its camera straight downward.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

NASA Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens!

NASA Astronaut Of Apollo 12 Mission Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens! 

Alan Bean who was a pilot aboard the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, has proposed that advanced civilizations would be more  altruistic and friendly, and would have announced their peaceful arrival.

Alan Bean A NASA Astronaut Of Apollo 12 Mission. 
The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the the alleged truth about the aliens.

Alan Bean was a astronaut on the second manned mission to the moon and the fourth man to walk on its surface.

He says in our solar system there are millions of galaxies and and stars which has water like Earth. So where is water found life is also found.

Maybe some of them are like our life was 100,000 years ago . And maybe some of them are like we are now.  And maybe some of them future from where we are now.

He and two other crew members boarded Apollo 12 with primary mission of conducting lunar exploration tasks, which included deploying the Apollo lunar surface experiment package on the Moon's surface to gather data.

Minutes in space 10 hours and 26 minutes of that were spent on the moon and in Earth's orbit.

His experience in space have led Bean to develop some interesting theories about the possibility of alien life.

One of the reasons I don't believe they have been here is that civilizations that there are more advanced are more friendly like Earth, which is better than it used to be... So they would have landed and said 'we come in peace and we know from our studies you have many diseases that kills people, we solved those problems 50 years ago.

I don't believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth "Bean told from his home in Houston, Texas.

Basset and fellow activists in the Facebook group named the Disclosure Lobby Pursued campaign to lobby journalists and cooperate media to ask  Clinton about the UFO issue. The goal was to catalyze a sequence of events leading to Disclosure announcement from either president Barack Obama at the end of 2016.

Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visited Earth and world leaders are aware. But it has been kept from the public under an alleged.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

NASA Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens!

Top Secret Truth About Aliens ! 

The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the alleged truth about the aliens. 

Alan Bean ,Who Was A Pilot Aboard Apollo 12 Mission
Conspiracy theorists have argued that there are countless signs proving alien have visited Earth.

However, one of the few humans to have set foot on the moon has said he knows the truth about aliens.

Bassett and fellow activists in the Facebook group named The Disclosure Lobby pursued a campaign to lobby journalists and cooperate media to ask Clinton about the UFO issue. The goal was to catalyze a sequence of events leading to Disclosure announcement from either president Barack Obama at the end of 2016. 

Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visited Earth and world leaders are aware, but it has been kept from the public under an alleged. 

Vatican Ready To 'Truth About The Aliens'
Conspiracists have long said the Vatican Home To The Pope has more information about the existence of aliens, but has chosen to keep it secret. 

Disclose Tv: - a website and channel dedicated to exposing the so called truth about aliens has claimed numerous people close to the church have hinted they have information on extraterrestrials. 

Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says That He Knows The Truth About Aliens! 

Apollo 12 astronauts "from left" Charles 'Pete' Conrad, Richard Gordon and Alan Bean. 

Alan Bean, who was  pilot aboard the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, has proposed that advanced civilizations would be more altruistic and friendly, and would have announced their peaceful arrival. 

He was an astronaut on the second manned mission to the moon and the fourth man to walk on its surface. 

He says that in our solar system there are million of Planets which has water like Earth so where is water present life is also present so we can't reject the possibility of aliens life. 

Maybe some of them are like our life was 100,000 years ago. And some of them are like we are now.  And maybe some of them future from where we are now. 

NASA Hide Truth About Aliens From Us. 

At the federal agency at the forefront of exploring outer space, NASA winds up being the front door for all manners of alien conspiracies.

Though NASA is definitely interested in aliens, this 12 minute YouTube argument is more conspiracy theory than reporting. It's filled with red flags that should have your bullshit detector lighting up like, well , a UFO and besides, anonymous is not exactly known for its fact checking.

Though there is no evidence NASA has found alien life, such as discovery could still happen in the future. The space agency is already deepening our understanding of where aliens could live.

Two Suns Visible In The Sky. Nibiru (Planet X). And Return Of The Annunaki!

Two Suns Visible In The Sky Of New York City During Few Minutes.

October 2016-USA, New York City. Strange phenomenon shot on camera early in the morning showing two Suns in the sky of New York City during few minutes. Two Suns in the sky proof Nostradamus and Mayans TWO SUNS PROPHECY.There are some interesting passages in the Bible that suggests are going to be two Suns. One of the suns is going to be destruction and devastation. The other is going to bring healing in his wings. One is going to burn up much of the Earth, and those of it. The other is coming to heal, help and straighten out the whole mess that the first one has brought.

Many believe Nibiru does exist and a second sun in the sky is a sign or Harbinger that Nibiru is nearing Earth.

Some may think it is another planet or a solar system with a sun.

Nibiru by all definitions, concepts and research scholars in the field, is a red or brown dwarf star that carries along with it seven planets orbiting around with each other; that means it is Mini Solar System. Nibiru is close to five times than Jupiter. So by turn, it is 6500 times larger than the Earth.

Senior scientist Devid Morrison from NASA released a video statement revealing the truth about Nibiru. In the video he explains if "Nibiru were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, it would be bright and it would be easily visible to the naked eye. " Astronomers would have also been tracking the planet for at least the past decade. 

Researchers the California Institute Of Technology hypothesized the possibility of Planet X or suspected planet orbiting our solar system. In January 2016 they published a paper in the Astronomical Journal, claiming the existence of a "massive perturber" that altered the orbits of rocky bodies and dwarf planets on the fringes of our solar system. So far, they are calling it planet nine.