Thursday, 31 August 2017

A Strange Theory Finally Solve The Mystery Of An "Alien Megastructure"!

Aliens Filming Earth From Space Discovered Antarctica Centuries Before humans!

The latest in a series of bizarre claims by conspiracy theorists says there is a giant staircase in Antarctica.

An image has surface which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctica, and believers in extraterrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth.

A map made in the 15th century and unearthed in 1929 appears to show the world in shocking detail for its time.

15th Century Map Credit To Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. 

The map was credit to Turkish admiral Piri Reis and is aptly dubbed the Piri Reis map.

But due to the intricacies of the map from such a primitive age, one expert believes it could be proof of aliens.

He claims the making of the map could have involved extraterrestrial due to its inexplicable accuracy.

Perhaps,  one of the biggest oddities found on this map is the fact that there is the top of it was the frozen continent of Antarctica.

A crude depiction of Antarctica is included on the map despite not officially being discovered until 1773 by captain James Cook.

As for the creator of the map, it's possible that the ancient alien visitors did create it since at that time making just wasn't capable of producing something so detailed.

"It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world.

Erich von Daniken, a Swiss author said that the accurate map is due to aerial images being taken from space.

He said: -A spaceship hovers high above Cairo and points its camera straight downward.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

NASA Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens!

NASA Astronaut Of Apollo 12 Mission Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens! 

Alan Bean who was a pilot aboard the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, has proposed that advanced civilizations would be more  altruistic and friendly, and would have announced their peaceful arrival.

Alan Bean A NASA Astronaut Of Apollo 12 Mission. 
The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the the alleged truth about the aliens.

Alan Bean was a astronaut on the second manned mission to the moon and the fourth man to walk on its surface.

He says in our solar system there are millions of galaxies and and stars which has water like Earth. So where is water found life is also found.

Maybe some of them are like our life was 100,000 years ago . And maybe some of them are like we are now.  And maybe some of them future from where we are now.

He and two other crew members boarded Apollo 12 with primary mission of conducting lunar exploration tasks, which included deploying the Apollo lunar surface experiment package on the Moon's surface to gather data.

Minutes in space 10 hours and 26 minutes of that were spent on the moon and in Earth's orbit.

His experience in space have led Bean to develop some interesting theories about the possibility of alien life.

One of the reasons I don't believe they have been here is that civilizations that there are more advanced are more friendly like Earth, which is better than it used to be... So they would have landed and said 'we come in peace and we know from our studies you have many diseases that kills people, we solved those problems 50 years ago.

I don't believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth "Bean told from his home in Houston, Texas.

Basset and fellow activists in the Facebook group named the Disclosure Lobby Pursued campaign to lobby journalists and cooperate media to ask  Clinton about the UFO issue. The goal was to catalyze a sequence of events leading to Disclosure announcement from either president Barack Obama at the end of 2016.

Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visited Earth and world leaders are aware. But it has been kept from the public under an alleged.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

NASA Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says He Knows The Truth About Aliens!

Top Secret Truth About Aliens ! 

The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the alleged truth about the aliens. 

Alan Bean ,Who Was A Pilot Aboard Apollo 12 Mission
Conspiracy theorists have argued that there are countless signs proving alien have visited Earth.

However, one of the few humans to have set foot on the moon has said he knows the truth about aliens.

Bassett and fellow activists in the Facebook group named The Disclosure Lobby pursued a campaign to lobby journalists and cooperate media to ask Clinton about the UFO issue. The goal was to catalyze a sequence of events leading to Disclosure announcement from either president Barack Obama at the end of 2016. 

Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visited Earth and world leaders are aware, but it has been kept from the public under an alleged. 

Vatican Ready To 'Truth About The Aliens'
Conspiracists have long said the Vatican Home To The Pope has more information about the existence of aliens, but has chosen to keep it secret. 

Disclose Tv: - a website and channel dedicated to exposing the so called truth about aliens has claimed numerous people close to the church have hinted they have information on extraterrestrials. 

Astronaut Who Walked On Moon Says That He Knows The Truth About Aliens! 

Apollo 12 astronauts "from left" Charles 'Pete' Conrad, Richard Gordon and Alan Bean. 

Alan Bean, who was  pilot aboard the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, has proposed that advanced civilizations would be more altruistic and friendly, and would have announced their peaceful arrival. 

He was an astronaut on the second manned mission to the moon and the fourth man to walk on its surface. 

He says that in our solar system there are million of Planets which has water like Earth so where is water present life is also present so we can't reject the possibility of aliens life. 

Maybe some of them are like our life was 100,000 years ago. And some of them are like we are now.  And maybe some of them future from where we are now. 

NASA Hide Truth About Aliens From Us. 

At the federal agency at the forefront of exploring outer space, NASA winds up being the front door for all manners of alien conspiracies.

Though NASA is definitely interested in aliens, this 12 minute YouTube argument is more conspiracy theory than reporting. It's filled with red flags that should have your bullshit detector lighting up like, well , a UFO and besides, anonymous is not exactly known for its fact checking.

Though there is no evidence NASA has found alien life, such as discovery could still happen in the future. The space agency is already deepening our understanding of where aliens could live.

Two Suns Visible In The Sky. Nibiru (Planet X). And Return Of The Annunaki!

Two Suns Visible In The Sky Of New York City During Few Minutes.

October 2016-USA, New York City. Strange phenomenon shot on camera early in the morning showing two Suns in the sky of New York City during few minutes. Two Suns in the sky proof Nostradamus and Mayans TWO SUNS PROPHECY.There are some interesting passages in the Bible that suggests are going to be two Suns. One of the suns is going to be destruction and devastation. The other is going to bring healing in his wings. One is going to burn up much of the Earth, and those of it. The other is coming to heal, help and straighten out the whole mess that the first one has brought.

Many believe Nibiru does exist and a second sun in the sky is a sign or Harbinger that Nibiru is nearing Earth.

Some may think it is another planet or a solar system with a sun.

Nibiru by all definitions, concepts and research scholars in the field, is a red or brown dwarf star that carries along with it seven planets orbiting around with each other; that means it is Mini Solar System. Nibiru is close to five times than Jupiter. So by turn, it is 6500 times larger than the Earth.

Senior scientist Devid Morrison from NASA released a video statement revealing the truth about Nibiru. In the video he explains if "Nibiru were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, it would be bright and it would be easily visible to the naked eye. " Astronomers would have also been tracking the planet for at least the past decade. 

Researchers the California Institute Of Technology hypothesized the possibility of Planet X or suspected planet orbiting our solar system. In January 2016 they published a paper in the Astronomical Journal, claiming the existence of a "massive perturber" that altered the orbits of rocky bodies and dwarf planets on the fringes of our solar system. So far, they are calling it planet nine. 

Monday, 28 August 2017

The Truth Behind The Black Knight Satellite Mystery.

KiThe Truth About The Black Knight Satellite Mystery. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Airspace and astronomy experts are generally dismissive of the black Knight satellite conspiracy.

          The Black Knight Satellite

There are around 3000 human made satellites are in working order the Earth, however if the debris of old and damaged satellites are taken into account the number increase dramatically. Ever since the Soviet Union launched the very first artificial satellite into orbit in 1957.

A few years later, the black Knight seemed have made another appearance when American newspapers reported in 1960 that there was an unusual object in polar orbit, by then both superpowers had satellites in equatorial orbit but polar orbit meant that the satellite could see every part of the Earth, yet neither country admitted owning it. This may seem strange but remember that this was a time of deep rooted suspicion and espionage not just with each other but now seemingly with extraterrestrials too.

The most recent and most cited "evidence"for a mystery satellite from beyond dates from 1998. The crew of Space Shuttle Orbit Endeavor photographed an unusual object in low Earth orbit. These images are often labelled as the most definite proof of this satellite. However, on more careful analysis this strange structure seems more like a piece of space debris.

A 1998 NASA photo is believed by some to show the black Knight satellite, but NASA has stated that this is likely space debris, specifically a thermal blanket lost during an  EVA mission.

In actual fact this black object is probably a thermal blanket that had become dislodged during an EVA . Mission STS-8 was the first American mission to begin construction of the international space station.

  Nicola Tesla From His Article "Talking With Planets" : -

The first apparent part of this story begins with signals heard by Nikola Tesla (1856-19143)  a brilliant Serbian inventor who spent most of his career in the USA . In 1899 he reportedly intercepted a signal unlikely any of the natural sources from Earth such as electrical storms that he had already investigated in his experiments. 

Tesla  concluded that these signals, or this strange unnatural object they originate from, was indeed extraterrestrial, or an effort to " communicate with Earth by alien beings. "

This was one of multiple incidents in which Tesla intercepted what he thought were intelligent signals from space. He states that even the simplest form of communication like interchange of numbers could represent a form of intelligible transmission from extraterrestrials.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Jupiter Doesn't Orbit The Sun.

Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun. 

-Crazy facts Of Cosmology. 

All planets in the solar system revolve around a point that lies within the sun but the planet Jupiter is so massive that it makes the sun revolve around a point that lies outside the Sun!

But Jupiter has almost no water at all. Its diameter is 142,984 kilometers. Jupiter also looks like the brightest star in the sky. Also has many moons. Its has three rings.

It's big enough that the center of gravity between Jupiter and sun doesn't actually reside inside the sun - rather, at a point in space just above the sun surface.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The Center Of The Milky Way Might Taste Like Raspberries And Smell Like Rum.

The Center Of The Milky Way Might Taste Like Raspberries And Smell Like Rum.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

The center of the Milky Way tastes like raspberries and smells like Captain Morgan. Astronomers researching the giant dust cloud in the middle of the galaxy found the chemical ethyl formate, which gives raspberries their flavor and smells like rum.

The newly detected presence of two complex organic molecules in the Milky Way suggests the building blocks for life may exist in space even before the formation of planets.

The results were presented yesterday at the European week of astronomy and space science at the university of Hertfordshire. Last year, the team came tantalisingly close to finding amino acids in space with the discovery of a molecule that can be used to make them, called amino acetonitrile.

Ethyl formate has another distinguishing characteristic: - it also smells of rum.

While scouring their data, the team found evidence for the lethal chemical propyl cyanide in the same cloud. The two molecules are the largest yet discovered in deep space.

Finding amino acids in interstellar is a holy grail for astrobiologists, as this would raise the possibility of life emerging on other planets after being seeded with the molecules. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The Largest Volcano In The Solar System Is On Mars.

The Largest Volcano In The Solar System Is On Mars: -Olympus Mons.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Olympus Mons on Mars is 27 km tall almost 3 times the height of Mr. Everest and more than 2 time the height if Mauna Kea.

It is so tall that it essentially sticks of Mars's atmosphere.

Largest volcano in the solar system Olympus Mons and may have water in the past. Has the deepest valleys in the solar system. Has polar ice caps. Has two moons.

It is 550 km across at the base so wide that if you were standing at the edge of the caldera, the base of the volcano would be beyond the horizon.

Olympus Mons covers an area 300, 000 km^2 (120, 000 sq mi), roughly the same size as Italy.

Olympus Mons is the result of many thousands of basaltic lava flows. The extraordinary size of the volcano has been attributed to the lack of tectonic plate movement on the planet. The lack of movement allows the Martian crust to remain fixed in place over a magma hotspot allowing repeated, large lava flows. Many of these flows have levees along their edges.

Its height from base to peak is 21.9 km (13.6 mi or 72,000 ft) above the northern plains. This makes it at least two and a half times taller than Mt.  Everest's above sea level.

Monday, 21 August 2017

If The Andromeda Galaxy Were Visible To The Naked Eye, It Would Be Six Times Larger Than The Moon In The Night Sky.

If The Andromeda Galaxy Were Visible To The Naked Eye, It Would Be Six Times Larger Than The Moon In The Night Sky. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Of course only the bright central core of Andromeda is visible to the naked eye, the full extent of the Andromeda galaxy in our sky is already about six times that of the Moon. Here is the composite picture that did the rounds on the internet a few years back:

The Moon is about 0.5 degrees across so Andromeda is about six times bigger shows in the picture. It's close enough, and certainly is an  amazing thing to consider. After all, Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away quintillion kilometers.

Andromeda is one of the very few galaxies you can  with your naked eye from a dark side. It's easy in binoculars, and if you use a small telescope,  the galaxy fills the eye piece.

Andromeda has vast spiral arms that extend well out from the core. from Earth, galaxy appears to be more than 3 degrees across.

There are 90 degrees in right angle, and 360 degrees in a circle; astronomers use angular size as a way to measure how big an object is on the sky. 

Sunday, 20 August 2017

In 2016, Scientists Detected A Radio Signal From A Source 5 Billion Light Years Away.

Means When The Signal Started Its Journey, Earth Wasn't Found!

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Cosmic radio waves which have puzzled astronomers for more than a decade, and even let to speculation that they were made by aliens, are probably produced by a huge neutron star.

Using a global network of powerful telescopes,  a team of astronomers finally managed to pinpoint one of the sources of these highly usual signals from space.

"Due to the upgrade of the very large Array, this is the first time we've been able to directly measure atomic hydrogen in a galaxy this far from Earth, " Said one of the researchers, Ximena Fenandez from Rutgers University.

Telescope first picked up Fast Radio Bursts in 2001 and they have been recorded hitting Earth in a regular pattern ever since.

They last just a few milliseconds but seems to carry as much energy as sun releases in a month, suggesting they must come from a huge source of power. 

Saturn's Moon Titan Maybe The Best Place For A Human Colony In Space

Saturn's Moon Titan May Be The Best Place For A Human Colony In Space. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 


Titan, the cloudy moon of Saturn, is one of the least hostile places (For humans)  in the outer solar system.

It has lakes of liquid methane, and Even weather.

Titan has no water, but some scientists wonder if life based on methane might live on Titan.

Mars and Earth's moon already feature in a lot of friction about space colonization.

Colonizing Titan seems like an outrageous argument,  given that the only spacecraft we've put in orbit around Saturn too 7 years to get there.

The idea of human colony on Titan, a moon of Saturn, might sound crazy. Its temperature hovers  at nearly three hundred degree below zero Fahrenheit, and its skies rain methane and ethane that flow into hydrocarbon seas. Nevertheless,  Titan could be the only place in the solar system where it makes sense to build a permanent, self sufficient human settlement.

Titan has atmospheric pressure of 1.5 bar, probably has water under its surface, and if not, water can be brought from other moons. Saturn doesn't emit hazardous radiation.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Einstein's Theory Of Relativity.

Einstein's Theory Of Relativity. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

The special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein and quantum electrodynamics, which was formulated by, among others, Richard Feynman, are two important fundamentals of modern physics.

In cooperation with colleagues from several international universities and institutes, the research group of professor Wilfried Nortershauser (Institute For Nuclear Physics) re examined these theories in experiments at that GSI Helmholtz Center for heavy Ion research. To explore any possible limits of the two theories, They have been experimentally verified many times already and both have passed all the tests so far. Hence, scientists look for deviations in experiments with increasing precision or under extreme conditions.

For this purpose, Nortershauser's team has now accelerated ions to velocities near the speed of light and illuminated them with a laser.

The results, which are presented in two new publications, confirm the time dilation predicted for high velocities in the theory of relativity with an accuracy that has never before been achieved. Further more, the team provided the first direct proof of a spectral line in highly charged bismuth ions, for which the GSI and other research institutions had been looking for in vain for almost 14 years. 

The Big Band Theory.

The Big Bang Theory. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Big Bang Theory: -The Premise

The Big Bang Theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe.

Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: Our universe. The Big Band Theory's an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment.

According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as singularity around 13.7 billion years ago.

What is a singularity? And where does it come from? 

Well, to be honest, we don't know for sure. Singularities are zones which defy our current understanding of physics. They are thought to exist at the core of black holes. Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure. The pressure is thought to be so intense that finite matter is actually squished into infinite density(a mathematical concept  which truly boggles the mind) these zones of infinite density are called singularities. Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small,  infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something a singularity .

Where did it come from? 

We don't know. 

After its initial appearance, it apparently inflated (The Big Band) expanded and cooled going from very very small and very very hot, to the size and temperature of our current universe. It continues to expand and cool to this dayand we are inside of it: incredible creatures living on a unique planet, circling a beautiful star clustered together with several hundred billion other stars in a galaxy soaring through the cosmos, all of which I inside of an expanding universe that began as an infinitesimal singularity which appeared out of nowhere for reasons unknown. This Is The Big Band Theory! 

Friday, 18 August 2017


Quasars: -

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Astronomers have discovered a black hole more massive than any detected before, producing the brightest known quasar in the universe. With a mass about 12 billion times that of the sun.

Quasars are the most distant objects in space. Give off tremendous amounts of energy. They can be a trillion times brighter than the sun!

Quasars are believed to produce their energy from massive black holes in the center of the galaxies in which the quasars are located. Because quasars are so bright, they down out the light from all the other stars in the same galaxy.

Even in a cosmos that contains 100 billion galaxies or more,  one of them has to be the brightest, and astronomers  may have found a winner.

Starlight doesn't cause most of the brightness from this faraway galaxy. Instead,  the light almost certainly comes from a monster quasar. Says Peter Eisenhardt, an astronomers at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

From Earth, a quasar can look like a star, but it is really a gigantic black hole that sits in a galaxy's core and sucks in gas so voraciously that the stuff beets up to millions of degrees, creating a beacon that can be seen from across the universe.

After 140 Million Years The Duration Of The Day On Earth Will Be 25 Hours.

After 140 Million Years, The Duration The Of A Day On Earth Will Be 25 Hours! 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

The Earth's rotation is gradually slowing. This declaration is happening almost imperceptibly, at approximately 17 milliseconds per hundred years,  although the rate at which it occurs is not perfectly uniform. This has the effect of lengthening our days.

But it happens so slowly that it could be as much as 140 million years before the length of a day will have increased to 25 hours.

The Earth was once believed to the center of the universe.

We could all use an extra hour in a day, but clocks won't need to be extended anytime soon. The time of the Earth takes to make a complete rotation on its axis varies by about a millionth of a second per day,  says physicist Tom O'Brian of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. While some days are shorter than average,  the planet's rotation shows a long term slowing trend, ultimately leading to a longer day.

I heard a scientists say that a day was 21 hours long during the time of the dinosaurs. 

The 24 hour clock is locked into our mammalian biology, our technology and our culture. But it hasn't always been that way. 

The length of the Earth day has been increasing slowly throughout most of the Earth's 4.5 billion year history,  says Dr. Rosemary Mardling,  mathematical scientist at Monash University .   

The Density Of Planet Earth Is Almost 5 Times That Of The Sun.

The Density Of Planet Earth Is Almost 5 Times That of The Sun.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Earth is densest planet because the Earth is composed of heavier (denser) atoms such as nickel iron, Silicates(rock) , sulfur, basalt, granite, sediment and water. In proportion, the Earth contains only a small percentage of helium and hydrogen. The atmosphere is also denser containing mostly nitrogen, oxygen and ozone.

The sun is the star at the center of the solar system. Its diameter is about 109 times that of Earth and its mass is about 330, 000 times that of Earth. The average density of sun is 1.4g/cm^3. And the average density of EarthVis 5.46 g/cm^3. That means the density of planet Earth is almost 5 times that of sun.

Mercury has proportionally more dense metal than Earth relative to silica, but its lower mass means that it's not as gravitationally compressed Earth making it slightly less dense overall.

I would assume that this is due to the formation of our solar system from the origin gas and dust nebula which spun as it condensed. The spinning would have acted like a centripetal force placing the heavier atoms further from the center and leaving the lighter elements of hydrogen and helium to form the sun.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

If You Could Look At Earth From 65 Million Light Years Away. You Would See Dinosaurs.

If You Could Look At Earth From 65 Million Light Years Away. You Would See Dinosaurs. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Light that left the Earth 65 million years ago is now 65 million light years away, and an alien with big a big enough telescope pointed directly at the Earth might be able to see dinosaurs.

Yes that planet looking at Earth with sufficiently powered telescopes will not be seeing survivor on TV.Practically, such a telescope would be impossibily huge.

they would see the light that left the Earth from 65 million years ago.

At such distance, they will need to take long exposure images from Earth,  and that means they will only gett a blurr of everything. Not a nice and sharp image of dinosaur. Even if they get a telescope big enough to see Earth.

As for watching the past keep in mind we see the sun from what happen to it 8 minutes ago from our point of view, 45 minutes for Jupiter,  and we see the light from what was happening in the Andromeda galaxy 2.5 million years ago(1/30 as far as your hypothetical planet. ie.  One powerful telescope they have.

Light takes time travel, so looking at anything is tantamount to looking back in time.

The telescope lens or mirror would need to be at least 50 trillion km across.  The smaller the angle of view  needed, the larger to objective mirror or lens needed. 

Earth Size Planet In Habitable Zone Of Nearest Star.

Earth Size Planet In Habitable Zone Of Nearest Star. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Proxima b orbits closer to its star than Mercury, our solar system's innermost planet does to the sun. But Proxima Centuari  is smaller and cooler than the sun, the planet could still host life.

The exo planet, which is the closest to Earth but still four and a half light years away, orbits the star Proxima Centuari.

In February, NASA said the planet is unlikely to be habitable, whether or not it has water on its surface, because of the harsh radiation from Centuari.

 The planet was also said  to lose too much oxygen to be able to host liquid water on its surface.

For one of the potential composition models, the researchers found Proxima b maybe an ocean planet similar to some of the icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn that harbor surface oceans.

Considering the host star's age and the planet's Proximity to its host star,  the scientists expect that proxima b is subjected to torrents of X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation from super flares occurring roughly every 2 hrs.

Then, months later, this planet's  habitability was questioned. Proxima b was said to be too close to its star meaning it would be subject to the host's harsh radiation.

Researchers have modelled the potential atmospheric conditions on Proxima b,  and found it could support life after all.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

4 Rocky, Earth Like Planets Orbiting Our nearest Sun Like Star: - Tau Ceti

4 Rocky, Earth Like Planets Orbiting Our Nearest Sun-Like Star : - Tau Ceti.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

A team of astronomers discovered that four Earth like planets orbit the nearest sun like star "Tau Ceti" a star visible to the naked eye!

Sun like stars are thought to be to be the best targets in the search for habitable Earth like planets due to their similarity to the sun. Unlike more common smaller stars, such as the red dwarf stars  Proxima Centuari and Trappist-1.

Tau Ceti is only 12 light years away from Earth, just three times as far as our sun's nearest stellar neighbor Alpha Centuari.

Tau Ceti is very similar to  the sun in its size and brightness, and both stars host multi planet system.

Astronomers have discovered may be five planets orbiting Tau Ceti. The closest single star beyond our solar system whose  temperature and luminosity nearly match the Sun's.

The planets sizes aren't known yet , but they're estimated to have about 1.7 times the Earth's mass.

Two things make this particular discovery stunning to astronomers.

First : - our solar system is the only place we know where life exist, it means that sun like stars maybe the best places to look for life.

Second : - It's incredibly difficult to spy a relatively tiny planet in the figurative shadow of a sun like star. 

Kepler-452b: -Exoplanet Earth's Cousin.

Kepler-452b:- Exoplanet Earth's Cousin. 

-Craze Facts Of Cosmology. 

Announced on July 23, 2015. Kepler-452b is larger than Earth and orbits a star nearly identical to the sun, but older and therefore hotter. The planet's orbit is nearly the same as Earth's and its year is about 20 days longer than Earth's Kepler-452b is 1,400 light-years away.

Kepler 452b is the first exo planet found which is orbiting a similar star to our sun, known as G2 type star, at a similar distance from its star that Earth is from the sun.

As the star supporting Kepler-452b start to use up its resources, the planet itself likely to be experienced changes. A bigger, brighter sun will add extra heat to the planet, creating dry and barren land scapes. Days are likely longer than nights. And the atmosphere could be dense and thick.

Until now exo planet, have been found in the habitable zone of the different type of stars. But this is first orbiting a sun like ours at a similar distance.

So far,  no planet has been discovered to currently have water, though it is widely speculated  that many ones did. Based on its position, size and orbit. 

Monday, 14 August 2017

Coordinate Of The Great Pyramid Of Giz: -29.9792458°N: Coincidence?

Coordinate Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza: 29. 9792458°N: -Coincidence? 

Let's know About It. 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

The revolution of the pyramids take an in depth look into one of the seven wonders of the world, the great pyramid of Egypt.

I'm just going to focus on the claims concerning the coordinates of this pyramid in relation to the speed of light.

The claim is usually put like this.

: - Speed of light through vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/s.

: - A geographic coordinate of 29. 972458,  31. 134658 will end up on the Great Pyramid Of Giza.

: - All are contains the number of sequence 299792458, which to some is to peculiar to be a coincidence.

 Mystery has surrounded these epic structures for centuries with theories varying from the scientific to the bizarre.

However with over 37 years of in depth research taking in sites from China, Peeru, Mexico and Egypt.

There's some kind of relationship between the two(Such as scientifically advanced alien civilization building the pyramid)  or whether the two are independent and linked purely by chance.

One scientist has as at last managed first to understand and  then to reveal what lies behind this greatest of archeological mysteries:  A message of Paramount importance for all mankind,  through time and space. 
Yesterday at 19:44 · Sent from Web

Let's Know About Gravity.

What Is Gravity?.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature.

: -We do not know what cause it.

: -We can only describe it.

Law Of Universal Gravitation: -Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force. ie. Directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

It's the force we all know about and think we understand. It keeps our feet firmly on the ground and  our world circling the sun.

Yet look a little closer , and the certainties start to float away, revealing gravity as the most puzzling and the least understood of the four fundamental forces of nature.

    Falling Objects: -Galileo's Experiment

: -If a person drops a 10 pound ball and a 5 pound ball of a building at the same time, which one will hit the ground first?

: - Will gravity pull harder on the 10 pound ball?

: -This was the topic of a famous story about scientist Galileo Galilei who is said to have tried dropping two objects from the leaning Tower of Pisa to find the answer of this question.

: -You might be surprised to find out that the two objects hit the ground at almost the same time.

: -Gravity work the same on all objects unless wind resistance gets in the way. 
Yesterday at 19:44 · Sent from Web

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Stars Appear In All Colors Except Green.

Stars Appear In All Colors Except Green.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Stars don't come in all colors but they come in enough colors. A green star is radiating right in the center of the visible light spectrum, which means it is emitting some light in all the possible colors.

The star would therefore appear white-a combination of all colors. Earth's sun emits a lot of green light, but we see it as white.

In fact, any time of the year you can find colors in the sky . Most stars look white but the brightest ones show color, red, orange, yellow and blue- almost all the colors all the colors of the rainbow.

The color of star in primarily a function of its effective temperature. You should recall that a star approximates the behavior of a black body radiator. As a black body gets hotter its color changes.

 Throughout history mankind has gazed up at the stars in awe and wonder. To the naked eye, most of the stars appear white.

:-Stars come in different colors.

:-A star color depends on how hot its surface is.

: -You may think of the color red as hot and blue as cool. When it comes to stars, the apposite is true. The hottest stars are blue and the coolest stars are red.

In between are white, yellow and orange stars  our sun is a yellow star.

Green is an interesting color in astronomy. Our eye is more sensitive to green than any other color, and so it is a color that often seen in the night sky. There are green comets, the momentary green brilliance of a meteor and even a green glow to some distant galaxies.  These objects can have other colors as well but green is a common color of the night sky. 

Mars Seasons Are How Long? Let's Know About It

Mars' Seasons Are How Long?

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

The seasons on Mars last about twice as long as those on Earth.

For any planet, a year is the time it takes to make one orbit around the sun.

Because Mars is farther away from the sun, it has to travel a greatest distance around the sun. It takes Mars about twice as long as it does for Earth to make one circle around the sun. Therefore, a year on Mars lasts twice as long.

Various schemes have been used or proposed for timekeeping on the planet Mars independently of Earth time and calendars.

A Martian year is 668.6 sols(Martian solar days) long and a sol 88775.245 seconds long.

Mars has an axial tilt and a rotation period similar to those of Earth. Thus, its experiences seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter much like Earth, and its days is about the same length. Its year is almost twice as long as Earth's .

Saturday, 12 August 2017

How Many Moons Are In Our Solar system

How Many Moons Are In Our Solar System? 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

We know that Earth have only one moon, but some planets have dozens of them. Others don't have any.

As of October 2008, there are 181 known natural moons orbiting planets in ou solar System. 173 moons orbit the "full size".

Astronomers have found at least 149 moons orbiting planets in our Solar System. Another 24 moons are awaiting official confirmation of their discovery.This number doesn't include the six moons of the dwarf planets.

 Up first Mercury and Venus. Neither of them has a moon.

 Uranus has 27 known moons.

Neptune has 13 known moons. And Neptune's moon Triton is as big as the dwarf planet Pluto and orbits.

Pluto's large moon Charon is about half the size of Pluto. Like Earth's Moon.

Jupiter has 53 known moons(plus 14 awaiting official confirmation).

Saturn has 53 moons (plus 9 awaiting official confirmation) .

Gravitational Lensing.

Gravitational Lensing.

Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

A gravitational lens is a distribution of matter between a distant light source and an observer, when astronomers refers to lensing,  they are talking about an effect called gravitational lensing.

The light will be bent by the gravitational field around the galaxy . This is called "Gravitational Lensing".

In a system where lensing occurs there is a:

Source: -where the light comes from, can be a quasar, the cosmic microwave background, a galaxy, etc.

Lens: -which deflect(s) the light by an amount related to its quantity of mass/energy, can be anything with mass/energy.

Observer: -who sees a different amount of light than otherwise because the lens has bent spacetime and thus the travel paths of the light.

Image Or Image: -what the observer sees. 

Friday, 11 August 2017

Earth's Moon Has No Atmosphere.

Earth's Moon Has No Atmosphere Let's Know About it Right Now.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

No the Earth's Moon has no atmospher and it has no magnetic field because the value of acceleration due to gravity (g)  on the surface of  Moon is small.

The Earth has an atmosphere rich in Nitrogen and Oxygen but on the moon the surface is directly exposed to outer space.

Moon has no atmosphere and magnetic field. Aurora occur when the solar wind intersect with charged particles in our magnetosphere. There are three reason why moon has no atmosphere. The first reason is because moon is very small. In the comparison with Earth. This reduces the amount of gravity on the moon.The second reason  is because the moon is not currently experience plate tectonics and geologic upwelling. Plate tectonics allows for a recycling of crust this lead to volcanoes. And the third reason is because the moon is  relatively close to the sun.

Brightest Planet In The Solar System.

Brightest Planet In Our Solar System.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Venus is bright because it's nearby, because it's blanketed in highly reflective clouds . And also Venus is bright due to its location in orbit with respect to Earth now.

Venus, which can be seen  with the unaided eye from Earth. Venus also called as evening star and morning star due to its brightness.

By the way,  Venus isn't the most reflective body in our solar system. That credit  goes to Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.

Because of thick cloud around it and is the closest planet to the Earth looks like a so bright star.

The question of many people is that : what the bright planet is below the moon tonight? 

The answer is Venus, so beautiful. 

Mysterious Planet 9 May Have Tilted The Whole Solar System.

The Putative "Planet 9" may have tilted the whole solar system.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

Astronomers are more confident than ever that a huge ninth planet remains undiscovered because it's probably tilting the solar system. 

Since earlier this year, scientists have believed that a so far unseen world is out somewhere on the edge of the solar system. But now, a new study has suggested that ninth planet maybe responsible for the tilt that makes the sun look like it's off at an angle from the planets. 

The mysterious "Planet 9" might be causing the whole solar system. Because "Planet 9" is so massive and has an orbit tilted the solar system.

Mystery planet 9 have such powerful effects than Earth. 
Previous researchers actually  suggested that planet 9  would possess a more tilted orbit in the comparison with relativity thin, flat zone in which the eight official planets circle the sun.

Now, researchers suggested that planet nine's influence might have tilted the solar system except sun.

We've known that the sun is tilted for about 200 years, but scientists have never known why. Only the catch here is,  the sun  isn't actually tilted at  all . We are . To explain that what's happening to our solar system we spoke with coauthor and theoretical astrophysicist,

Though that remains to be determined, Batygin suggested that the planet nine may ejected from the neighborhood of the giants gas by Jupiter, or perhaps may or may have been enfluenced by the gravitational pull of the other stellar bodies in the other solar system's extreme past. The findings have been accepted for the publication in the astro physical journal. 

If planet 9 is real, it should produce many more many more distant objects with this strange, unexpected alignment. If there were an ultra distant massive planet out in the outer solar system, it should, on occasion, gravitationally encounter other objects in the Kuiper belt.Some will strike the planet, some will be ejected from the solar system, but some will be the thrown into an orbit in the apposite direction of planet 9.

The Drake Equation.

The Drake Equation: Let's Know About It Right Now.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology.

The Drake Equation,as it has become known,was first presented by the Drake in 1996. And it  is used to estimate the number of communicating civilizations in the Cosmo's.
The number of such civilizations N, is assumed to be the equal to the mathematical product of

1) R,  is denoted as the average rate of star formation, in our galaxy,

2) fp,  is denoted as the fraction of formed stars that have planets,

3) ne,  for stars that have planets, the total number of planets that can potentially support life,

4) fl,  the fraction of those planets that really develop life,

5) fi, the fraction of planets bearing life on which intelligent, civilized life, has developed,

6) fc, the fraction of these civilizations that have developed communications,
That is, technologies that provide detectable signs into space,

7) L, the length of time over which such civilizations provide detectable signals.

The equation summarizes the main concepts which scientists must contemplate when considering the question of other radio communicative life. The equation was written not for purposes of qualifying the number of civilizations, but as why to estimate scientific dialogue at the first scientific meeting on the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life.

The Drake Equation must be one of the swaggiest equation ever created because of the uncertainty associated with its parameters. The Drake Equation does do a great job of identifying and categorizing the relevant parameters. It also accomplishes the task of providing structure to the ingoing debate about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and the likelihood of its existence. The large degree of of uncertainty associated with so more of its parameters does tell us one important thing: that we have a lot more learn. 

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Everything We Know About Blue Moon Right Now.

Everything We Know About Blue Moon Right Now.

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

Reason:  Why Moon Appears Blue? 
 When volcanoes erupt, the dust particles can cause the Moon to appear blue. 

There are two definitions of Blue Moon in astronomy;
 Blue Moon means that something is very rare, but how rare depend on your definition.. 
1) if the moon actually looks blue, it's caused by a rare type of dust present in the atmosphere. 

2) Astronomy, a Blue Moon is a Full Moon, which doesn't quite set in with the months in English calendar.

This Moon occur about every 2. 7 years.
By the way, Blue Moons are not typically blue in color, that happens only, well, once in a Blue Moon, but there is the possibility for a clue of blue in any full Moon.
As it did in 1883 after the volcano Krakatoa erupted.Dust in the air acted as a filter, causing sunsets and the moon converted into green and blue in the whole world.

Other events such as forest fires and dust storms can cause the moon to convert blue.

On the page for August 1937, the Main Farmer's Almanac as far back as the mid -1800s. The Almanac explained that the "usually comes full 12 times in a year, three times for each season. When there are 13 full moons during a year. Occasionally, however, there will come that year. And that extra full moon also meant that one of the four seasons would contain four full moons instead of the usual three.
The almanac followed certain rules for what to call each moon. As the first full moon of springs was called the Egg Moon or Easter Moon, or Paschal Moon and had to fall within the week before Easter. There was also the Moon before Yule and the Moon after Yule.

The third moon was dubbed a blue moon at that time when a particular season had four moons. So that the remaining full moons could occur at the at the proper times relative to the solstices and equinoxes.