Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Kepler-452b: -Exoplanet Earth's Cousin.

Kepler-452b:- Exoplanet Earth's Cousin. 

-Craze Facts Of Cosmology. 

Announced on July 23, 2015. Kepler-452b is larger than Earth and orbits a star nearly identical to the sun, but older and therefore hotter. The planet's orbit is nearly the same as Earth's and its year is about 20 days longer than Earth's Kepler-452b is 1,400 light-years away.

Kepler 452b is the first exo planet found which is orbiting a similar star to our sun, known as G2 type star, at a similar distance from its star that Earth is from the sun.

As the star supporting Kepler-452b start to use up its resources, the planet itself likely to be experienced changes. A bigger, brighter sun will add extra heat to the planet, creating dry and barren land scapes. Days are likely longer than nights. And the atmosphere could be dense and thick.

Until now exo planet, have been found in the habitable zone of the different type of stars. But this is first orbiting a sun like ours at a similar distance.

So far,  no planet has been discovered to currently have water, though it is widely speculated  that many ones did. Based on its position, size and orbit. 

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