Saturday 12 August 2017

How Many Moons Are In Our Solar system

How Many Moons Are In Our Solar System? 

-Crazy Facts Of Cosmology. 

We know that Earth have only one moon, but some planets have dozens of them. Others don't have any.

As of October 2008, there are 181 known natural moons orbiting planets in ou solar System. 173 moons orbit the "full size".

Astronomers have found at least 149 moons orbiting planets in our Solar System. Another 24 moons are awaiting official confirmation of their discovery.This number doesn't include the six moons of the dwarf planets.

 Up first Mercury and Venus. Neither of them has a moon.

 Uranus has 27 known moons.

Neptune has 13 known moons. And Neptune's moon Triton is as big as the dwarf planet Pluto and orbits.

Pluto's large moon Charon is about half the size of Pluto. Like Earth's Moon.

Jupiter has 53 known moons(plus 14 awaiting official confirmation).

Saturn has 53 moons (plus 9 awaiting official confirmation) .

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